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    Law Giri


    1. Firsts in India (Male)


    First Governor of Bengal                                                           Lord Clive (1757-60)

    First Governor of Bengal                                                           Warren Hastings (1772-74)

    First Governor General of Bengal                                              Warren Hastings (1774-85)

    First Governor General of India                                                 Lord William Bentic (1833-35)

    Last Governor General and First Viceroy of India                       Lord Canning (1856-62)

    First President of Indian National Congress                                W.C Banerjee

    First Indian Governor General of Independent India                    C.Rajgopalachari (21.06.1948-   25.01.1950)

    First Indian to pass ICS                                                             Surendra Nath Banerjee

    First Indian I.C.S Officer                                                           Satyendra Nath Tagore

    First Governor General of India (after independence)               Lord Louis Mountbatten (15 aug, 1947-20 june, 1948)

    First Indian Cosmonaut (to go into space)                                   Sqn.Ldr. Rakesh Sharma

    First temporary President of the Constitutent Assembly               Dr. Sachchida Nand Sinha

    First Commander-in-Chief of Free India                                     General K.M Cariappa

    First Indian Nobel Laureate                                                       Rabindra Nath Tagore

    First Indian Judge of the International Court of Justice                Dr. Nagendra Singh

    First Indian to get Bharat Ratna Award                                       Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

    First Field Marshal                                                                    General S.F.J Manekshaw

    The President of Constituent Assembly                                      Dr. Rajendra Prasad

    First Indian to swim across the English Channel                         Mihir Sen

    First Indian to get Jnanpeeth Award                                           G.Shankar Kurup

    First Muslim President of  Indian Republic                                 Dr. Zakir  Hussain

    First Indian to win Palk-Strait Ocean Swimming Contest            Baidyanath Nath

    First  Speaker of Lok Sabha                                                       G.V.Mavlankar (1952-57)

    First person to make Printing Press popular in India                     James Hicky

    First Education Minister of Independent India                             Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

    First President of Indian Republic                                               Dr. Rajendra Prasad

    First Prime Minister of Independent India                              Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru

    First Home Prime Minister of Independent India                         Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel

    First Vice- President  Minister of Independent India                    Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

    First Chief of Air Staff                                                             Air Marshal Sir Thomas Elmhirst

    First Indian Air Chief of Indian                                                  Air Marshal S. Mukherjee

    First Chief of Army Staff                                                           General M. Rajendra  Singh

    First Chief of Naval Staff of India                                               Vice- Admiral R.D Katari

    First large- scale Atomic Reactor of India                                    Apsara (1956)

    First Person to get Paramvir Charkra                                            Major Somnath Sharma

    First Atomic Submarine of India                                                  I.N.S Cauveri

    First Scientist of Indian origin, to get Nobel Prize in the field of Medical Science         Dr. Hargovind Khurana

    First Aircraft Carrier Indian Ship                                                    I.N.S Vikrant

    First Chinese pilgrim to visit India                                             Fa- hien

    First Medium Range Missile                                                      Agni

    First e-business News Paper of India                                          Financial  Express

    First Scientist of Indian origin to win Nobel Prize in Physics       Subrahmanium Chandrashekhar

    First Indian Missile                                                                   Prithvi

    First Indian to win Stalin Award                                                 Saiffudin Kichlu

    India’s first Nuclear Centre                                                        Tarapur

    First Indian to win Magsaysay Award                                         Acharya Vinoba Bhave(1958)

    India’s first Open University                                                      Andhra Pradesh Open University

    India’s first Lok Sabha Member to be elected with a record maximum number of votes

    P.V Narasimha  Rao

    India’s first minister to resign from Union Cabinet                      Shyama Prasad Mukherjee (1950)

    First British to visit India                                                           Hawkins

    First Asian Games organized                                                     Delhi (in1951)

    India’ first Election Commissioner                                             Sukumar Sen

    First Muslim President of Indian National Congrress                   Badruddin Tayab ji

    First chief justice of India                                                          Justice Hiralal J.Kania

    First Person to submit the proposal of Indian Independence in a congress session                                 Hasrat Mohani

    India’s first University                                                              Nalanda University

    First Indian to climb Mt.Everest  without Omy. Cylinder             Sherpa Phu Dorji

    First foreign recipient of Bharat Ratna                                        Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan

    First Indian recipient of Nobel Prize in Economics                      Dr. Amartya Sen

    First Army Institute of Information Technology founded             Hyderabad

    First Test Tube Baby of India                                                     Indira (Baby Harsha)

    First Indian Pilot                                                                       J.R.D Tata (1929)

    First Indian to reach Antarctica                                                  Lt. Ram Charan(1960)

    First Post- Office opened in India                                               Kolkata (1727)

    First Deputy Prime Minister of India                                          Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel

    First Indian Prime Minister  to resign from office                        Morarji Desai

    First Indian Prime Minister to lose an Election                            Indira Gandhi

    First president of India to die in office                                        Dr.Zakir Hussain

    First Man to climb Mt. Everest twice                                          Nawang Gombu

    First Indian to reach the South Pole                                            Cole. I.K Bajaj

    First Indian recipient of ‘Oscar Award’                                       Bhanu Athaiya

    First American President to visit Inida                                        Dwight David Eisenhower

    First British Prime Minister to visit India                                    Harold Mc Million

    First Indian author to get Anderson Award                                  Ruskin Bond

    First Indian to win World Billiards Trophy                                 Wilson Jones

    First Indian Space Tourist                                                          Santosh George


    1. Firsts in India (Female)


    India’s first Woman President                                                    Smt. Pratibha Patil

    India’s first Woman Prime Minister                                           Smt. Indira Gandhi

    India’s first Woman Governor                                                    Sarojini Naidu

    India’s first Woman ruler (on Delhi’s throne)                             Razia Sultan

    India’s first Woman I.P.S officer                                                Kiran Bedi

    First Woman Chief Minister of a state                                        Sucheta Kripalani (U.P)

    First Woman Union Minister                                                     Rajkumari Amrita Kaur

    First Woman President of INC                                                   Annie Besant

    First Woman judge of the Supreme Court                                   Meera Sahib Fatima Bibi

    First Woman to get Ashok Chakra                                              Nirja Mishra

    First Indian Woman Ambassador at United Nations                    Vijayalakshmi Pandit

    First Indian Woman to swim across English Channel                  Ararti Saha (Gupta)

    First Indian Woman to get the Noble Prize                                  Mother Teresa (1979)

    First Indian Woman to climb The Mt. Everest                             Bachendri Pal

    First Indian Woman to become ‘Miss World’                              Miss Reita Faria

    First Indian Woman to climb the ‘Mt. Everest’ twice                   Santosh Yadav

    First Indian Woman to become ‘Miss Universe’                          Sushmita Sen

    First Indian Woman to get Bharat Ratna                                     Smt. Indira  Gandhi

    First Indian Woman to get Jnanpith Award                                 Ashapurna Devi

    First Indian Woman to win WTA Title                                       Sania Mirza

    First Indian Woman Airline Pilot                                               Durga Banerjee

    First Indian Woman to win Gold in Asian Games                        Kamaljeet Sandhu

    First Indian Woman president of I.N Congress                            Sarojini Naidu (1925)

    First Indian Woman to win the Booker Prize                               Arundhati Roy

    First Woman Musician to get ‘Bharat Ratna’                              M.S Subbulakshmi

    First Indian Woman to go into space                                          Kalpana chawla


    1. Firsts in the world (Male & Female)


    First men to climb Mt. Everest                                               Sherpa Tenzing Norgay & Sir Edmund Hillary (29th May, 1953)

    First man to reach North Pole                                                Robert Peary

    First man to reach South Pole                                                Ronald Amundsen

    First religion of the world                                                      Sanatan Dharma

    First country to print books                                                    China

    First country to issue paper currency                                      China

    First country to start Civil Services Competition                    China

    First President of United States of America                            George Washington

    First Prime Minister of Great Britain                                      Robert Walpole

    First Secretary General of United Nations                              Trigve Li

    First country to make education compulsory                           Prussia

    First country to win the World Cup Football                           Uruguay (1930)

    First country to make a constitution                                       United States of America

    Pakistan’s first Governor General                                          Mohammed Ali Jinnah

    First summit of NAM was organized in                                  Belgrade (former USSR)

    First European to visit China                                                 Marco Polo

    First men to fly an aero plane                                                Wright Brothers

    First person to sail around the world                                       Feerdinand Magellan

    First country to send human to Moon                                     United States of America

    First country to launch satellite into space                              Russia (former USSR)

    First country to host the modern Olympic Games                    Greece

    First President of the Republic of China                                 Dr. Sun Yat-sen

    First city to be attacked with Atom bomb                               Heroshima (Japan)

    First Radio Telescope Satellite was launched into spaced        Japan

    First Russian (Soviet) Prime Minister to visit India                 V.I Bulganin

    First University of the world                                                  Taxila University

    First man to set foot on the Moon                                          Neil Armstrong (U.S.A)

    First man to go into space                                                      Major Yuri Gagarin (USSR)

    First Space Shuttle Lunched                                                  Columbia

    First Space Ship landed on mars                                            Viking-I (July, 1976)

    First Woman Prime Minister of England                                Margaret Thacher

    First Woman Prime Minister of any Muslim country              Benazir Bhutto (pakistan)

    First Woman Prime Minister of a country                              S. Bhandarnayake (Sri Lanka)

    First Woman cosmonaut in space                                           Valentina Tereshkova(USSR)

    First Woman to climb Mt.Everest                                          Junko Tabei (Japan)

    First deaf and dumb to cross the srait of Gibraltar                   Taranath Shenoy (India)

    First woman President of UN General Assembly                    Smt. Vijayalakshmi Pandit (1953)

    First European invader of Indian soil                                      Alexnder, The Great

    First Woman to reach the North Pole                                      Ms. Fran

    First Woman to reach Antarctica                                           Caroline Michaelson

    First man to draw the map of earth                                         Anexemander

    First man to compile Encyclopedia                                        Aspheosis (Athens)

    First eldest man to climb Mt. Everest                                     Richard Wass

    First Asian to win Nobel Prize for Literature                          Rene F.A & Sulli Pradhom (France)

    First man to win Nobel Prize for peace                                   Jin F. Dunant (Switzerland) & Frederic Peiry (france)

    First man to win Nobel Prize for Physics                                W.K Roentgen (Germany)

    First man to win Nobel Prize for Chemistry                           J.H Wenthoff (Howlland)

    First man to win Nobel Prize for medicine                             A.E Wonn Behrig (Germany)

    First man to win Nobel Prize for Economics                           Rangar Fish (Norway) & John Tinbergen (Howlland)

    First woman President of a country                                        Maria Estela Peron (Argentina)

    First Space Tourist (Male)                                                     Dennis Tito (U.S.A)

    First Space Tourist (Female)                                                  Mrs.Anousheh Ansari (Irani American)

    Space Tourists: 1st: Dennis Tito (2001); 2nd Mark Shuttleworth (2002); 3rd: Gregory Olsen (2003); 4th Mrs. Anousheh Ansari (2004); 5th Charles Simonyi (2006); 6th Richards Gariatte (2008); 7th: guy Laliberte (2009)


    1. Superlatives: India

    (Biggest, Highest, Largest, Longest, Smallest etc.)


    The longest river Bridge                                               Mahatma Gandhi Setu Patna (5.575 Km.)

    The largest animal Fair                                                 Sonepur (Bihar)

    The largest Auditorium                                                Sri. Shanmukhanand Hall (Mumbai)

    The largest Lake                                                          Wular Lake (J & K)

    The highest Dam                                                         Bhakhra Dam, on Sutlej river (Punjab)

    The largest Desert                                                        Thar (Rajasthan)

    The largest cave Temple                                               Kailash Temple (Ellora, Maharashtra)

    The largest Zoo                                                           Zoological Garden (Kolkata)

    The largest Mosque                                                     Jama Masjid (Delhi)

    The highest Peak                                                         Godwin Austen/ K-2 (8611m)

    The longest Tunnel                                                      Jawahar Tunnel, Banihal Pass (j & K)

    The largest Delta                                                        Sunderbans (W.Bengal)

    The state with maximum forest area                              Madhya Pradesh

    The longest Corridor                                                    Corridor of Ramnathswami Temple at RAmeswaram (Tamil Nadu)

    The highest Waterfall                                                   Jog or Garsoppa

    The longest Road                                                         Grand  Trunk Road (Kolkata to Delhi)

    The highest Gate Way                                                  Buland Darwaza Fatehpur Sikri (UP)

    The longest River                                                        The Ganga (2640 km. long)

    The largest Museum                                                    Indian Museum, Kolkata

    The largest Dome                                                        Gol Gumbuz, Bijapur (in Karnataka)

    The tallest Statue                                                         Gomateswara (Karnataka)

    The largest Public Sector Bank                                     State Bank of India

    The biggest canti lever Bridge                                      Rabindra Setu or Howrah Bridge (Kolkata)

    The longest Canal                                                        Indira Gandhi Canal or Rajasthan Canal (Rajasthan)

    The longest Railway platform                                       Kharagpur (W.Bengal)

    The biggest Stadium                                                    Yuva Bharti (Salt Lake) Stadium Kolkata

    The most populous City                                                    Mumbai (Maharashtra)

    The largest Sea Bridge                                                 Anna Indira Gandhi Bridge (Tamil Nadu)

    The longest Passenger Train Route                               JammuTawi to Kanyakumari

    The oldest church                                                        St. Thomasa Church at Palayadr, Trichur (Kerala)

    The longest National Highway                                      NH-7 (Varanasi to Kanyakumari)

    The state with longest Coast line                                  Gujarat

    The highest lake                                                          Devtal Lake, Gadhwal (Uttarakhand)

    The largest saline water Lake                                        Chilka Lake (Orissa)

    The largest fresh water Lake                                         Kolleru Lake (Andhra Pradesh)

    Largest Cave                                                               Amarnath (J & K)

    The longest river of southern India                               Godawari

    The longest Dam                                                         Hirakud Dam (Orissa)

    The highest Gallantry Award                                        Param Vir Chakra

    The highest Award                                                       Bharat Ratna

    The largest Gurudwara                                                 Golden Temple, Amritsar

    The biggest Church                                                     saint Cathedral at old Goa (Goa)

    The tallest TV Tower                                                   Pitampura (New Delhi)

    The southern Indian state with Longest Coast line         Andhra Pradesh

    The longest Sea Beach                                                 Marina Beach (Chennai)

    The highest Road                                                         Road at Khardungla, (in Leh-Manali Sector)

    The largest Artificial Lake                                            Govind Sagar (Bhakhra Nangal)

    The deepest River Valley                                             Bhagirathi and Alaknanda

    The largest River without delta                                     Narmada and  Tapti

    The highest battle field and the longest Glacier              Siachen Glacier

    The biggest river Island                                                majuli Bramhaputra river, (Assam)

    The largest Planetarium                                               Birla Planetoium (Kolkata)

    The Highest Airport                                                     Leh Airport (Ladakh)


    1. Superlatives : World

    (The Largest, Biggest, Smallest, Longest, Highest etc)


    Tallest Animal (on land) Giraffe
    Biggest Bell Great Bell at Moscow
    Fastest Bird Swift
    Largest Bird Ostrich
    Smallest Bird Humming Bird
    Longest Bridge (Railway) Lower Zambeji (Africa)
    Tallest Building Burj Khalifa, Dubai (U.A.E)
    Tallest Office Building Petronas Twin Towers Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
    Longest Big-Ship Canal Suez canal (linking Red Sea and Mediterranean)
    Busiest Canal (Ship) Baltic White Sea Canal (152 miles)
    Biggest Cinema House Roxy (New York)
    Highest City Wen Chuan (Tibet, China) 16,732ft
    Largest City (in population) Tokyo [(3,42,00,000), Est. Population in2006]
    Biggest City (in area) Mount Isa, Queensland, Australia (41,225 sq.km)
    Largest Continent Asia
    Smallest continent Australia
    Highest Country Tibet (The Pamirs)
    Largest Country (in population) China
    Largest Country (in area) Russia
    Largest Coral Formation The Great Barrier Reef (Australia)
    Largest Dam Grand Coulee-concrete Dam (U.S.A)
    Longest Day June 21(in Northern Hemisphere)
    Shortest Day Dec. 22 (in Northern Hemisphere)
    Largest Delta Sundrabans, India (8000 sq.miles)
    Largest Desert (world) Sahara, Africa (84,00,000 sq.km)
    Largest Diamond The Cullinan (over 1 ½ lb)
    Biggest Dome Gol Gumbaz (Bizapur), (Old archi) 144ft. diameter
    Biggest Dome (New archi) Astrodome, Sports
    Longest Epic The Mahabharata
    Largest Island Greenland (renamed Kalaatdlit Nunaat)
    Largest Lake (Artificial) Lake Mead (Bouler)
    Deepest Lake Baikal (Siberia); average depth 2300 feet
    Highest Lake Titicaca (Bolivia)12,645 ft. above sea level
    Largest lake (fresh water) Lake Superior, U.S.A
    Largest Lake (Salt Water) Caspian Sea (3,71,000 sq.km.)
    Largest Mosque  Jama Masjid, Delhi, (area 10,000 sq.ft)
    Biggest Library National Kiev Library, Moscow and Library of the Congress, Washington
    Highest Mountain Peak (world) Everest (Nepal)29,028ft
    Highest Mountain Range Himalayas
    Longest Mountain Range Andes (S.America)5,500 miles in length
    Biggest Museum British Museum (London)
    Tallest Minaret (Free standing) Qutub Minar, Delhi 238 ft.
    Tallest minaret Great Hassan Mosque, Casablanca, Morocco
    Deepest And Biggest Ocean The Pacific
    Largest Palace Imperial Palace (Gugong), Beijing (China)
    Largest  Park National Park, Greenland
    Largest Peninsula Arabia(32,50,000 sq.km.)
    Coldest Place or Region Verkhoyansk (Siberia), Temperature-85°C
    Dryest Place Death Valley (California); rainfall 1 ½ inch
    Hottest Place (world) Al-Aziziyah (Libya, Africa)136°F
    Largest Planet Jupiter
    Brightest and Hottest Planet (also nearest to Earth) Venus
    Farthest Planet (from the sun) Neptune
    Nearest Planet (to the sun) Mercury
    Smallest Planet Mercury
    Highest Plateau Pamir (Tibet)
    Longest Platform (Railway) Kharagpur, West Bengal, India (833 m)
    Largest Platform (Railway) Grand Central Terminal, New York (U.S.A)
    Largest port Port of New York and New Jersey (USA)
    Busiest Port Rotterdam (the netherlands)
    Longest Railway Trans- Siberian Railway (6,000 miles long)
    Longest River Nile (6690 km), Amazon (6570 km)
    Longest River Dam Hirakud Dam (Orissa), India 15.8 miles
    Largest Sea-bird Albatross
    Largest Sea (inland) Mediterranean
    Brightest Star Sirius (also called Dog Star)
    Tallest Statue Statue of Liberty, New York (USA), 150 feet high
    Tallest Statue (bronze) Bronze Statue of Lord Buddha, Tokyo (Japan)
    Longest Swimming course English Channel
    Tallest Tower  C.N Tower, Toronto (Canada)
    Longest Train nonstop Flying scoutsman
    Longest tunnel (Railway) Seikan Rail Tunnel (Japan), (53.85 km.)
    Longest and Largest Canal Tunnel Le Rove Tunnel (South of France)
    Longest tunnel (Road ) Laerdal, Norway
     Highest Volcano Ojos del Salado, Andes, Argentine-Chile (6,885)m
    Largest Volcano Mauna Loa (Hawaii)
    Longest Wall Great Wall of China (1500 miles)
    Highest waterfall Salto Angel Falls (Venezuela)
    Longest Strait Tartar straits (Sakhalin Island and the Russian mainland)
    Broadest Strait Davis Straits (Greenland and Baffin Island, Canada)
    Narrowest Strait Chaliks-45 yards (between the Greek mainland and the island of Euboea in the Aegean Sea)
    Largest Bay Hudson Bay, Canada (shore line 7623 miles)
    Largest Gulf Gulf of Mexico, Shoreline 2100 miles
    Largest Archipelago Indonesia (over 3000 islands)
    Tallest Active Geyser Giant (Geyser) Yelowstone Park U.S.A 200  feet high
    Largest River Basin Amazon basin- 27,20,000 sq. miles
    World’s Rainiest spot Cherrapunji (Mawsynram), India
    Largest Gorge Grand Canyon, on the Colorado river, U.S.A
    Lightest gas Hydrogen
    Lightest Metal Lithium
    Highest Melting Point Tungsten, 3410° C
    Hardest Substance Diamond
    Longest Animal Blue shale, (Recorded length 106 feet, weight-195 tons)
    Longest life- span of an Animal 190 to 200 years, (giant tortoise)
    Largest Land Animal African Bush Elephant
    Fastest animal Cheetah (Leopard)70 m.p.h
    Longest jump Anima  Kangaroo
    Longest wing spread bird Albatross
    Slowest Animal Snail
    Domestic Dog  Irish Wolf Hound
    Fastest Dog  Persian grey hound(speed 43 m.p.h)
    Longest Poisonous Snake King Cobra
    Biggest Flower Raffesia (Java)
    Largest Stadium Strahov Stadium in prague, (the Czech Republic)
    Largest Church Basilica of ST. Peter, Vatican City, Rome (italy)
    Largest Temple  Angkor Vat (combodia)
    Largest Diamond Mine Kimbarley (s.Africa)
    Largest River in Volume Amazon, Brazil
     Longest Corridor Rameshwaram Temple’s Corridor (5000 feet)
    Highest Straight Dam Bhakhra Dam
    Highest Capital City La Paz (Bolivia)
    Largest Asian desert  Gobi, Mongolia
    Largest Democracy India
    Longest thoroughfare Verazano-Narrows, New York City Harbour
    Largest Neck Animal Giraffe
    Largest Animal of the Cat Family Lion
    Most Intelligent Animal Chimpanzee
    Bird, that never makes its nest Cuckoo
    Wingless Bird Kiwi
     Reptile which changes its colours Chameleon
     Largest  mammal Whale


    1. Some Important Monuments/ Structures of the World


    Monuments/ Structures Country
    The Leaning Tower of Pisa Italy
    Imperial Palace (Tokyo) Japan
    Statue of Liberty (New York ) U.S.A
    Opera House (Sydney) Australia
    Eiffel Tower (Paris) France
    Great Wall (North China) China
    Kremlin (Moscow) Russia
    Parthanon (Athens) Greece
    Pyramid (Giza) Egypt
    Wailing Wall  Jerusalem
    Taj Mahal (Agra) India


    1. National Emblems of some important Countries


    Country Emblem
    India Lioned Capitol
    Pakistan Crescent & Star
    Bangladesh Water Lily
    Netherlands Lion
    U.K Rose
    U.S.A. Golden rod
    Italy White Lily
    Australia Kangaroo
    New Zealand Kiwi
    Germany Corn Flower
    Norway  Lion
     France Lily
    Iran Rose
    Spain Eagle
    Japan Chrysanthemum
    Canada Maple Leaf, Lily
    • Jasmine and four main crops of Pakistan


    1. International Boundaries


    Maginot Line Germany & France
    Mc Mahon Line India & China
    Radcliffe Line India & Pakistan
    49th Parallel  U.S.A & Canada
    Mannerhiem Line Russia & finland
    Durand Line Pakistan a& Afghanistan
    38th Parallel North & South Korea
    Hindenburg Line Germany & Poland















    1. National Animals of some Countries


    Country Animal
    Australia Kangaroo
    New Zealand Kiwi
    Canada Eagle
    United Kingdom Robin Redbreast
    Japan Ibis
    India Tiger


    1. News Agencies of some countries


    Country Agencies
    U.S.A Associated  Press (AP), United Press International (UP)
    U.K. Reuters
    Russia Telegraph Agency of the Sovereign States (TASS)
    Malaysia Malaysian National News Agency (MNNA)
    Italy Agenzia  Nazionale Stampa Associate (ANSA)
    Israel Associated Israel Press (AIP)
    France Press Trust of India (PTI), United News of India  (UNI), samachar Bharti, Univarta
    China Xin Hua
    Japan Kyodo
    Indonesia Antara
    Iran Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA)
    Germany Deutsche Presse Agentur (D.P.A)
    Palestine WAFA
    Australia Australian Associated Press (A.A.p)
    Russia  Novosti
    Pakistan Pakistan Press international (PPI), Associated Press of Pakistan (APP)
    Egypt Middle East News Agency (MENA)



    Parliament of Different Countries


    Country Parliament
    India Sansad (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha)
    Pakistan National Assembly
    Britain Parliament (House of Commons and House of Lords)
    Germany Bundstage (Lower House) and Bundesrat (Upper House)
    Switzerland Federal Assembly
    U.S.A Congress (House of Representatives and Senate)
    Bhutan Tshogdu
    Nepal Rashtriya Panchayat
    Denmark Folketing
     Russia Duma and Federal council
    China National People’s congress
    France National Assembly
    Turkey Grand National Assembly
    Iran Majlis
    Bangladesh Jatiya Sansad
    Norway Storting
    Spain Cortes generals
    Australia Federal Parliament
    Myanmar Pyithu Hluttaw (People’s Assembly)
    Afghanistan Shora
    Israel Knesset
    Maldives Mazlis
    Japan Diet
    Canada Parliament


    1. Some important Signs or Symbols


    Pen Symbol of Culture & Civilization
    Lotus Culture and Civilization
    Red Cross Medical Aid  Hospital
    Red Flag Revolution; also sign of danger
    Black Flag Symbol of protest
    Yellow flag Flown on ships or vehicles carrying patients suffering from infectious diseases
    Flag flown upside down Symbol of Distress
    Flag flown at half mast Symbol of National Mourning
    White Flag Symbol of truce
    Red Tringle Sign of Family Planning
    Pegion or Dove Symbol of peace
    Red Light Traffic sign of ‘Stop’, also sign of ‘Danger’ or ‘Emergency’
    Green Light Line clear signal or traffic sign of ‘Go’
    A blindfolded woman holding a balanced scale Symbol of justice
    Black strip on fore arm Sign of mourning or protest
    One skull on two bones crossing each other diagonally Sign of ‘danger’
    Wheel (Chakra ) Symbol of progress
    Olive branch Symbol of peace
    Tricolor National Flag of India
    Union Jack National Flag of the U.K
    Stars and Strips National Flag of the U.S.A


    1. Some important Official Books


    Green Book Official reports or publications of Italy & Iran
    White Book The official publications of Portugal, China & Germany
    Blue Book any official report of the British government
    Yellow Book The report or publication of the French government
    Orange Book Official report of the government of Netherlands
    White Paper The authoritative recital of facts issued by the government stating its views on a particular matter
    Grey Book Report of the government of Belgium and Japan
    Joint Paper The joint report of two or more than two governments


    1. Newspapers & their Place of Publication (World)


    Newspaper Place
    The Times London
    Daily  Mirror London
    La Figaro Paris
    Ezbestia Moscow
    The Island Colombo
    Eastern Sun Singapore
    AI Ahram  Cairo
    Mardeka Jakarta
    Washington Post Washington
     New York Times New York
    Star Johanesberg
    The Times of India India
    The Sun U.K
    New Statesman U.K
    Red Flag  China
    Bangladesh Observer Dhaka
    The  Gardian London
    Daily Mail London
    Le Mand Paris
    Pravda Moscow
    Khalij Times Dubai
    Mainichi Shimbun Tokyo
    People’s Daily Beijing
    La Republica Rome
    Daily News  New York
    Financial Times London
    Independent London
    The Hindu Chennei
    Daily Telegraph U.K.
    China Times Taiwan
    Toronto Star Canada
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    1. World Organisations and their Headquarters


    GATT (General Agreement on Tarriffs & Trade) Geneva
    Amnesty International London (England)
    Asian Development Bank (ADB) Manila (Philippines)
    ASEAN (Association of South- East Asian Nations) Jakarta (Indonesia)
    NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) Brussells (Belgium)
    African Union (AU) Addis- Ababa (
    International Committee of the RED Cross (ICRC) Ganeva (Switzerland)
    SAARC (south Sian Association for Regional Corporation) Kathmandu (Nepal)
    United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) aNairobi (Kenya )
    INTERPOLE (International Police ) Lyons (France)
    World Trade Organisation (WTO)(w.e.f Jan 1,1995) Ganeva
    League of Arab States  Cario (Egypt)
    COMECON Minsk (Belarus)
    World Council of Churches (WCC) Ganeva
    European Energy  Commission (EEC) Ganeva
    Economic Commission of Africa (ECA) Addis- Ababa
    Economic Commission of West Asia (ECWA) Baghdad
    United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR ) Ganeva
    International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Vienna (austria)
    United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) Vienna (austria)
    UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) Ganeva
    WWF (World Wildlife Fund) Gland (Switzerland)
    International Olympic Committee (IOC) Lusane
    European Common Market (ECM) Ganeva
    CHOGM (Common wealth Heads of Goverments Meet ) London
    OPEC (Organisation of Petroleum Exporting countries ) Vienna
    OECD (organization for Economic Co- operation and Development ) Paris
    CENTO (Central Treaty Organisation) Ankara (Turkey)
    Commonwealth London
    European Economy Community (EEC) Brussels
    Council of European Strasbourg
    European Space Research organization (ESRO) Paris
    BENELUX economic Union Brussels
    Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCEP) Bangkok (Thailand)
    Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) Ganeva
    Economic Commission for Latin America and the Carribbean (ECLAC ) Santiago (Chile)
    Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) Jordan (Amman)
    ANZUS Council Canberra (Australia)
    United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UNCHS ) New York
    United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) New York
    United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) New York
    United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) New York
    United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) New York
    United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) New York
    United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) Ganeva
    World Food Programme (WFP) Rome (Italy)
    Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Rome (Italy)
    International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Montreal (Canada)
    International Fund  for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Rome
    International Labour Organisation (ILO) Ganeva
    International Monetary Fund (IMF) Washington
    United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural organization (UNESCO) Paris
    Universal Postal Union (UPU) Berne (Switzerland)
    World Health Organisation (WHO) Ganeva
    World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) Ganeva
    World Meteorological organization (WMO) Ganeva
    Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) London
    Woman Aid International London
    European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Ganeva
    Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries Kuwait
    International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD (World Bank)) Washington
    Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Paris
    Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) Mecca

    Secretary Generals of UNO and their Tenure


      Name Country Tenure
    1 Trigve Li Norway 1946-1952
    2 Dag Hammarskjoeld Sweden 1953-1961
    3 U- Thant Myanmar (Burma) 1961-1971
    4 Kurt – Waldheim Austria 1972-1982
    5 Jevier perez de Cuellar Peru 1982-1991
    6 Boutros Boutros Ghali Egypt 1992-1996
    7 Kofi Annan Ghana 1997-2006
    8 Ban Ki -moon S.Korea 2007- ___


    1. International Decades


    1990s Third Disarmament Decade
    1990 to 1999 UN Decade of International Law
    1990 to 2000 International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism
    1991to 2000 United Nations Decade  against Drug Abuse
    1994 to 2004 International Decade for Indigenous people of the World
    1995 to 2004 UN Decade for Human Rights Education
    1997 to 2006 UN Decade for the Eradication of Poverty
    2001 to 2010 Second UN Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism
    2001 to 2010 International Decade for Peace and Non Violence for Children


    1. International Years



    1987 International Year of Shelter for Homeless
    1990 International Literacy Year
    1992 International Space Year
    1993 International Year of Indigenous Population
    1994 International Year of Family
    1995 International Year of Tolerance
    1998 International Year of Ocean
    1999 International Year of Aging (older) people
    2000 International Year of Peace-Culture
    2000 International Year of Gratitude
    2001 United Nation’s year for Interaction among Civilizations
    2002 International Mountain Year
    2002 International Year of Eco- tourism
    2003 International  fresh Water Year
    2004 International  Rice Year
    2005 International Year of Microcredit and International Year of Physics
    2006 International Year Desert and Desertification
    2008 Year of Good Governance  (for SAARC countries )
    2010 International year of Biodiversity




    1. Important National & International Days


    Louis Braille Day  5th January
    World Laughter Day 10th January
    National Youth Day (Birthday of Swami Vivekanand) 12th January
    Army Day 15th January
    Rashtriya Balika Diwas (2010) 24th January
    International Customs and Excise Day 25th January
    Tourism Day (India ) 25th January
    Republic Day (India ) 26th January
    Martyrs’ Dau 30th January
    Leprosy Prevention Day 30th January
    Sarvodaya Day 30th January
    Rose Day 12th February
    Valentine Day 14th February
    International mother Tongue Day 21st February
    Central Excise Tax Day 24th February
    National Science Day 28th February
    National Safety Day (Security of Industrial Institutions) 4TH March
    International Women’s Day 8th March
    World Kidney Day 9th  March
    Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) Foundation Day 12th March
    World Consumer Day 14th March
    Ordnance Manufacturing Day 18th March
    World Disabled Day 20th March
    World Forestry Day 21st  March
    World Water Day 22nd March
    World Meteorological Day 23rd March
    Ram Manohar Lohia’s Birth Day (Anniversary) 23rd March
    Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru’s Martyrdam Day 23rd March
    World TB (Tuberculosis) Day 24th March
    Rural Postal Life Insurance Day 24th March
    Sacrifice Day of Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi 25th March
    National Day of Bangladesh 26th March
    World Theatre Day 27th March
    National Maritime Day 5th April
    Special Protectioan Group (SPG) Foundation Day 7th April
    World Health Day 7th April
    World Homeopathy Day (Birth day of Samuel Hanimen) 10th April
    World Aeronautics and Cosmology Day 14th April
    Ambedkar’s Birth Anniversary 14th April
    World Haemophilia Day 17th April
    World Heritage Day 18th April
    Indian Vivil Service Day 21st April
    Earth day 22nd April
    World Books  and Copyright Day 23rd April
    Panchayat Divas 24th April
    International Labour Day (Worker’s Day or May Day) 1st May
    World Asthma Day 2nd May
    World Press Freedom Day 3rd May
    World Red Cross Day 4th May
    Mother’s Day 2nd Sunday of May
    World Laughter Day 7th May
    World Migratory Birds Day 8th May
    International Pthylesemia Day 8th May
    National Technological Day 11th May
    International Nurse Day 13th May
    International Family Day 15th May
    World lTelecomunication Day 17th May
    Anti- Terrorism Day 21st May
     World Biodiversity Day 23rd May
     Commonwealth Day 24th May
    Death Anniversary of Jawahar Lal Nehru 27th May
    World Anti- Tobacco (and No- smoking ) Day 31st May
    World Environment Day 5th June
    International Olympic Association Establishment Day 6th June
    Father’s Day 18th June
    World Refugee Day 20th June
    World Diabetes Day 27th June
    Doctor’s Day (Birthday of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy) 1st July
    State Bank of India Foundation Day 1st July
    World Population Day 11th July
     International Nelson Mandela Day 18th July
    Kargil Memorial Day 26th July
     World Breast Feeding Day 1st August
    World Peace Day, Hiroshima Day 6th August
    Quit India Day, Nagasaki Day 9th August
    World Youth Day 12th August
    Independence Day (India ) 15th August
    National Sports Day (Birth Day of Dhyanchand) 29th August
    Teacher’s Day (Birth Day of S.Radhakrishnan) 5th September
    World Literacy Day 8th September
    World Fraternity and Apology Day 14th September
    Hindi  Divas (Day) 14th September
    Eingineer’s Day 15th September
    World Ozone Day 16th September
    Railway Police Force (RPF) Foundation Day 20th September
    Alzheimer’s Day 21st September
    World Deaf Day and World Heart Day 24th September
    World Tourism Day 27th September
    International Oldmen’s Day 1st October
    Mahatma Gandhi’s Birth Day

    (international Non-violence Day)

    2nd October
    Birth Day of Lal Bahadur Shastri 2nd October
    World Habitat Day 3rd October
    World Animal Welfare Day 4th October
    World Teacher’s Day 5th October
    World Wild Animal Day 6th October
    Indian Air Force Day 8th October
    World Post Day 9th October
    Birthday of Loknayak Jay Prakash Narayan 11th October
    UN International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction 12th October
    World Standards Day 14th October
    World Food Day 16th October
    World Allergy Awareness Day 16th October
    World Iodine Shortage Day 21st October
    United Nations (UN) Day 24th October
    World Thrift Day 30th October
    Death Anniversary of Indira Gandhi 31st October
    World Service Day 9th November
    National Education Day (Birth Day of Maulana Azad) 11th November
    Children ‘s Day (Birth anniversary of Jawaharlal Nehru) 14th November
     World Diabetes Day 14th November
     International Day for Endurance 16th November
    National Press Day 16th November
     World Students Day 17th November
    World Epilepsy Day 17th November
    National Journalism Day 17th November
    World Adult Day 18th November
    World Citizen Day 19th November
    Universal Children’s Day 20th November
    World Television Day 21st November
    World Non-veg Prevention Day 25th November
    World Environment Protection Day 26th November
    National Law Day 26th November
    World AIDS Day 1st December
    International Day for the Abolition of Slavery 2nd December
    World Disabled Day 3rd December
    Chemical Accidents Prevention Day 4th December
    Navy Day 4th December
    International Volunteers Day 5th December
    International Civil Aviation Day 7th December
    Armed Forces Flag Day 7th December
    Girl Child Day (Balika Divas, India ) 9th December
    International Human Rights Day 10th December
    World Children’s Fund Day 11th December
    World Asthma Day 11th December
    National Energy Conservation Day 14th December
    Liberation Day of Goa 19th December
    Kisan Divas (Birthday of Chaudhary Charan Singh) 23th December
    X- mas Day 25th December
    Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Foundation Day 26th December


    1. India’s World Heritage Sites (included in UNESCO’s list)


    SL. Site Year of Inclusion
    1 Ajanta Caves  (Maharashtra) 1983
    2 Ellora Caves (Maharashtra) 1983
    3 Agra  Fort (U.P) 1983
    4 Taj Mahal (U.P) 1983
    5 Sun Temple, Konark (Odisha) 1984
    6 Mahabalipuram Temple (TN) 1984
    7 Kaziranga National Park 1985
    8 Manas Wildlife Sanctuary 1985
    9 Keoladeo National Park 1985
    10 Churches In Goa 1986
    11 Khajuraho Temples (m.P) 1986
    12 Monuments at Hampi (Karnataka ) 1986
    13 FatehPur Sikri (UP) 1986
    14 Pattadakal Temples (Karnataka ) 1987
    15 Elephanat Caves 1987
    16 Sundarbans Natinal Park (W.B) 1987
    17 Chola Temples, Brihadishwara Temple, Thanjavur(1987), Brihadishwara Temple, Gangaikonda Cholapuram (2004), Airavateshwara Temple (2004) 1987-2004
    18 Nanda Devi and Flowers Valley 1988-2005
    19 Sanchi Stupa (MP) 1989
    20 Humayun’s Tomb (Delhi ) 1993
    22 Qutub Minar (Delhi ) 1993
    22 Mountain Railway (Darjeeling Himalayan Railway) 1999
    23 Mahabodhi Temple, Bodh Gaya (Bihar) 2002
    24 Bhimbetaka Caves (MP) 2003
    25 Champaner- Pavagadh Park (Gujarat) 2004
    26 Chatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST), Mumbai 2004
    27 Red Fort (Lal Quila), Delhi 2007
    28 Jantar Mantar of Jaipur (Rajasthan) 2010



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