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May 25, 2021 at 6:59 pm #26241
Law Giri
No. Words/Phrase/ Use Origin Correct English 1. Ab initio Latin From the beginning 2. Ab intra Latin From within 3. Ab origine Latin From the origin 4. Ad hoc Latin For the special purpose 5. Ad hominem Latin To the man; personal 6. Ad interim Latin In the meantime 7. Ad libitum Latin As much as one pleases 8. Ad nauseam Latin To the point of disgust 9. Ad referendum Latin For further consideration 10. Ad rem Latin To the purpose 11. Ad Valorem Latin According to value 12. Affaire d` amour Latin A love affair 13. Anne Christi Latin In the year of Christ 14. Anno Domini Latin In the year of our Lord 15. Ante meridiem Latin Before noon 16. Alter ego Latin One’s other self 17. Ars longa, Vita brevis Latin Art is long, life is short 18. Ay contraire Latin On the contrary 19. Bona fides/Bona fide Latin Good faith (in good faith) 20. Bon voyage French A good journey to you 21. Bon ton French Fashionable society 22. Carpe diem Latin Enjoy the present day 23. Coup d`etat French A sudden decisive blow in politics 24. De boone grace French With good grace; Willingly 25. De facto Latin Actually 26. De june Latin From the law; by right 27. De novo Latin Anew 28. De lume Latin Sumptuous 29. Detenu A prisoner 30. Dramatis Personae Latin Characters in a drama or a play 31. Edition de luxe French A splendid and expensive edition of a bank 32. Elite French The best part 33. En bloc French As one unit, wholesale 34. En masse French In a mass or body 35. En rapport French In agreement 36. En route French On the way 37. Exit Latin Goes out 38. Example graia Latin By way of example 39. Ex gratia Latin As an act of grace 40. Ex officio Latin By virtue of one’s office 41. Ex parte Latin One- sided 42. Ex post facto Latin After the deed is done 43. Gens de letters French Literary man 44. Id est Latin That is 45. Il penseroso Italian The pensive man 46. Impasse French A deadlock 47. In absentia Latin In absence 48. In dubio Latin In doubt 49. In principio Latin In the beginning 50. In toto Latin In the whole; entirely 51. Inter alia Latin Among other things 52. Ipso facto Latin By that very fact 53. Italic` Latin In Italian 54. Lingua franca Mixed language 55. Laux deo Latin Praise to God! 56. `Locus standi Latin A right to interfere 57. Magnum opus Latin A great work 58. Mala-fide Latin With bad faith 59. Modus operandi Latin Manner of working 60. Mon ami French My friend 61. Mon cher French My dear 62. N`importe French It matters not 63. Nonsceteipsum Latin Know they self 64. Nota bene Latin Mark well 65. Omnia vincit amor Latin Love conquers all things 66. Omnia vincit labor Latin Labour overcomes all things 67. Par excellence French By way of eminence 68. Par example Latin For example 69. Pax vobiscum Latin Peace be with you 70. Poste restante French To remain in the post-office till called for 71. Prima facie Latin At first view 72. Pro bono public Latin For the good of the public 73. Pro patria Latin For our country 74. Quod erat demonstradum Latin Which was to be done 75. Sans souci French Without care 76. Sine cura Latin Without charge or care 77. Sine die Latin Without a day being appointed 78. Sine dubio Latin Without doubt 79. Sine mora Latin Without delay 80. Status quo Latin The state in which (it was) 81. Ultra Vires Latin Beyond powers 82. Vice versa Latin The terms of the case being inter- changed 83. Vis-à-vis French Opposite; face to face 84. Viva voce Latin By the living voice -
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